Don't you hate it when you have an entire day planned out to do absolutely nothing and instead when yo u wake up that morning you have a pile unloaded on you? I hate those days. And unfortunately today is one of those days. I had planned to spend today lounging on my couch watching netflix. But I guess the universe chose differently. Now instead I get to spend the entire day bouncing between cleaning, paperwork, and rearranging my entire week. The exact opposite of what I had planned. Thankfully I have a little over a month until kids start coming home. But with that being said, I also have one huge birthday party to plan. If you know anything about me, you know I despise planning parties of any kind. If it weren't for the fact that my kids are still relatively young, I would be perfectly content with cupcakes and their presents and calling it a day. And before anyone goes analyzing that thought, yes it does have a lot to do with my anxiety...