More to-do

    Don't you hate it when you have an entire day planned out to do absolutely nothing and instead when yo u wake up that morning you have a pile unloaded on you? I hate those days. And unfortunately today is one of those days.

   I had planned to spend today lounging on my couch watching netflix. But I guess the universe chose differently. Now instead I get to spend the entire day bouncing between cleaning, paperwork, and rearranging my entire week. The exact opposite of what I had planned. Thankfully I have a little over a month until kids start coming home. But with that being said, I also have one huge birthday party to plan. 

    If you know anything about me, you know I despise planning parties of any kind. If it weren't for the fact that my kids are still relatively young, I would be perfectly content with cupcakes and their presents and calling it a day. And before anyone goes analyzing that thought, yes it does have a lot to do with my anxiety. I hate big crowds and the mess left behind afterwards. 

     On top of planning for the party I have school to prepare for and what seems like and endless trail of paperwork to get done in order to buy the house. And lets not forget all the yearly exams that the kids need before the new school year starts and the half a million phone calls and paperwork that goes with that. 

   You know, I don't recall my mother having to jump through half of the hoops I do when I was growing up. I don't remember having to go to mandatory health checks every year, or mandatory eye doctors appointments yearly, or even having to re-enroll us in school every year. Hell, I don't even recall her having to take us to the doctor unless it was time for an immunization. When did all of that change? Or is that something that I just never realized she was doing?

    I feel like my life is an endless to-do list. I don't remember life ever being so demanding. Speaking of demanding... time for me to finish my coffee so I can resume my to-do list for today. Bright blessings lovelies. I hope yall get to enjoy the day.


  1. Parents really have to be involved more now than when I was young. I guess it is because of how the world is today.


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