Someone put me out of my misery (JK)

    Life has been so hectic lately, I don't even know where to begin. For starters, who knew buying a house was so complicated? The mortgage company I have decided to work with has started asking a million questions about the house. In all fairness, I guess these are things I should know... but don't. But on the up side of everything, once I get all these answers... I will get a much lower deposit and closing cost amount. So I will be meeting with my landlord tonight to get these answers.

   As if that were not enough stress, I have two teenage boys that seem completely helpless and oblivious to to the world around them. You would think at nearly 16 and 17 years old you wouldn't have to break down simple task into multistep to do list. When I was their ages I didn't need instruction. I seen something was out of place or dirty and I stepped up to the task. These kids have to have a checklist just to get a basic chore such as cleaning the kitchen completed. And even still they miss obvious messes and do any and everything to avoid their task.

    Just yesterday I told the oldest of the two to go clean the kitchen while I tackled the living room, dinning room, and my room. I went to put a dish in the kitchen only to find him in the back yard messing with the lawnmower... the kitchen was left untouched. How do they expect to hold a job with that type of ethic? I really fear that I'm going to be 50 with a house full of my children all because they can't keep a steady job. Is this my fault somehow? Should I start charging them rent to show them how the real world works? I don't want to seem like a bitch of a mother, but they can't keep going at life the way they are now. They will never survive in this world if they do.

    Anyway on to the next thrilling stressor... In a month all of my responsibilities will start piling back in. The kids will all be home on July 16th. That is also the day of their birthday party. Seems like fun right? Yeah it will be. But immediately following... not even close. I have back to back doctors appointment, eye doctors appointments, and dentist appointments all the way through August. That's not including enrollment paperwork, meet the teachers, and of course.. back to school shopping. My head is spinning just thinking about it all. 

   But I guess I should be working on my to do list and getting the house prepared for yet another busy week. I really need some more me time. Hopefully someone will grant me that for my birthday next Sunday. So good-bye for now lovelies. I hope you are all having an amazing summer. Have some fun for me.


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