Wish me luck

    Well a thing happened yesterday. I received a frantic phone call from my grandmother yesterday. I don't talk much about her but she was diagnosed with lung cancer 4 years ago. When she was diagnosed, the doctors gave her a year to live. But she well outlived what the doctors believed. Now we are nearing what they truly believe to be the end. It's becoming harder for her to breath without assistance and frankly... she isn't doing well. 

    That leads me to the next event in my life... Monday I leave for Seattle, Washington. She requested that I come stay a week with her before she goes. So needless to say, this will be fun. Actually, no it won't. That was pure sarcasm. Anyone who knows me at all knows that I suffer from anxiety. That anxiety multiplies by 100 when it involves my family. We don't have the best of relationships.

    So wish me luck. This is going to be a long 2 weeks.


  1. Good luck. I know exactly how that story plays out. I remember my Dad calling me with the come out & see me. He had cancer & he was dying. I cannot lie. It sucks. It is a very difficult thing to do. You're in my prayers. Just take care of yourself.


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