
Showing posts from October, 2019

Feels like magic

    Yeah I know I've been MIA. But it's been worth every minute. If I had to chose between taking a moment to blog and time here with my family, I would gladly choose them again. Life here lately has seemed so magical. It almost feels as if it were a dream and I should be waking up any minute now.    Yesterday we took the kids to do a trick or treat thing at one of the schools and we all had a blast.       Brandi and I are doing great, as expected. But yesterday kind of threw me for a loop. I ended up in a conversation with two of her sisters and her mom. I'm relieved that they all like me. (which is strange for me considering that I've never been in a relationship where the family immediately liked me.) But her sister posted a sweet little message on facebook.          I'm so happy I have all of these wonderful people in my life. I think I finally found what has been missing. I love them to t...

Happiness in the making

    There have been a lot of changes made in my life recently. What started off as more of a closed triangle type thing has ended as just a relationship with my love Brandi. I guess things got to be too much for Joey. I would be lying if I said that I didn't see it coming. One day I just got a phone call saying that he felt that we would be better off friends. I happily agree. Our relationship had met it's end. There was no sexual attraction... not just to him but any man. So we ended our relationship.     But I can say that I am much happier now. Brandi has brought that long lost happiness back into my life. Rarely can you look at me and not see a smile on my face. And the sex drive I had thought was long gone has came back in overdrive. I can't really explain much of what's changing, but I do know that I am happy. Happier than I have been in a very long time. Even my bad days don't seem so bad with her here with me.    I know that our journey has just b...

Fun day with the family

     We had a family outing to the park today. The kids had a blast and I was able to spend some time with Brandi. It's been a great day. I have a feeling that our future is going to be even greater.

What's had me away

     I've had a lot of changes in my life recently. Most of them I am happy about. But one big one is what has had me distracted lately. Normally a distraction isn't a good thing for me, but this one.. well it's different. Or should I say she is different.      I started seeing someone a little while ago. And let me just say that she is amazing. She wasn't in a very good situation when I met her. It started out as spending all night up with her just talking over a couple of drinks. That turned into her staying a night.. then two.. and now (as of today) we made a rather large addition to our family. She has 3 wonderful children that I absolutely adore. And I am happy to say that we have agreed to move in together.     So now I have a house full. I have Daddy, our son, my girlfriend and our three kids. It's going to be an adjustment, starting with getting us into a bigger house. But it's well worth it. I haven't been so happy in quite some time. O...

Where have I been??

   I know some of you have probably wondered why I haven't been making updates or why I dropped of the face of blogger. Well long story short, I've been enjoying life. I actually haven't been home much at all over the last few weeks. I've been spending the majority of my days and evenings with A and B. Okay well maybe more B than A here lately. But that's another story. One far too complicated for me to share here.     But the important thing is that I've been enjoying myself and so has little man. We spend most days just talking and having fun with them. Damian has enjoyed the hell out of going over and playing with the kids. His vocabulary continues to expand and he is enjoying himself. That is what matters to me.     As far as I go, I've been enjoying a lot of time with A and B. J is rarely home due to owning his own business, so I rarely get to sit and catch up with him.  Infact part of his time was spent fixing our car. And now he has offered me...

Setting it straight

    Ok normally, I don't bother in other peoples affairs. But seeings that I haven't been here on blogger for about a week I was playing catch up and seen something that made my blood boil.    As the majority of you all know, my mother in-law is on blogger as well. Well she made a post about missing my oldest stepdaughter and how she was grieving the loss.. as we all have. Okay that wasn't what pissed me off. But what did was to see that no one had commented, but someone did make a post saying that none of us had any right to feel that way and that it was our own doings that have separated us from my stepdaughter.     Well let me stop you right there. The accusations of not bathing her are false accusations. No I wouldn't make her take a shower every night, but she did at least take a bath every night. Secondly, the only person that was able to pick up her meds, was her father which said that she didn't need them after several other visits of her not havi...

Up all night

    This seems like a repeated cycle for me lately. But last night was probably the worst. I was up till 7 this morning just drinking coffee and spending time with B. I don't even know why the two of us decided that the best thing to do was stay up all night while everyone else slept, but we did. Do I regret it, nope... not at all. I actually enjoyed staying up with her. We thought about taking a sleep deprived 2 am trip to Walmart, but decided against it because I had to have daddy up in just a couple of hours.      It was kind of funny to see everyone's reaction to her being at my house till 7 am though. Even daddy stopped and 21 questioned me about her being here when I got him up for work at 4 this morning. And he continued to question me till 7 when she left. A and J questioned her when she came walking in too. But it was just innocent conversation.       I was tired as hell come 7 am, so I said screw it and took a nap. Appare...