Setting it straight

    Ok normally, I don't bother in other peoples affairs. But seeings that I haven't been here on blogger for about a week I was playing catch up and seen something that made my blood boil.
   As the majority of you all know, my mother in-law is on blogger as well. Well she made a post about missing my oldest stepdaughter and how she was grieving the loss.. as we all have. Okay that wasn't what pissed me off. But what did was to see that no one had commented, but someone did make a post saying that none of us had any right to feel that way and that it was our own doings that have separated us from my stepdaughter.
    Well let me stop you right there. The accusations of not bathing her are false accusations. No I wouldn't make her take a shower every night, but she did at least take a bath every night. Secondly, the only person that was able to pick up her meds, was her father which said that she didn't need them after several other visits of her not having them (due to the mother not sending them) and she was fine. He saw it as another cry from her mother for attention. Again.. no one elses fault. And lastly, the mother claims that it is our own fault that communication has been lost, and I'm sorry that is a damn lie. Not only has Daddy attempted to call only to see that he had been blocked and has messaged for the new address with failed attempts, but so has my mother in-law.
     My mother in-law was in a habit of writing my stepdaughter at least once a month all the way up until her mother moved (like she does once a year). And just like every year before, my mother in law asked for an address to write to her. She was declined that information. (and that is putting it nicely.) So my mother in-law asked a friend of this childs mother if maybe she could get it for her.. Well long story short, my oldest stepdaughters mom decided to block her friend as well for even asking for my mother in-law.
   So don't go around saying others are the ones that caused the distance when you haven't owned up to cutting off all contact. Don't sit there and call the kettle black when you are worlds biggest victim player. And damn sure don't sit there acting all high and mighty without admitting to any wrong doing of your own. We aren't saints, but at least we admit that.


  1. Same old same old. Its funny for someone who claims she doesnt want anything to do with us to the point of cutting off all contact except for stalking our blogs.

  2. And quite frankly I dont give a shit what that woman has to say about anything as far as I am concern she is dead to me.


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