Up all night

Image result for staying up all night with friends meme

    This seems like a repeated cycle for me lately. But last night was probably the worst. I was up till 7 this morning just drinking coffee and spending time with B. I don't even know why the two of us decided that the best thing to do was stay up all night while everyone else slept, but we did. Do I regret it, nope... not at all. I actually enjoyed staying up with her. We thought about taking a sleep deprived 2 am trip to Walmart, but decided against it because I had to have daddy up in just a couple of hours. 
    It was kind of funny to see everyone's reaction to her being at my house till 7 am though. Even daddy stopped and 21 questioned me about her being here when I got him up for work at 4 this morning. And he continued to question me till 7 when she left. A and J questioned her when she came walking in too. But it was just innocent conversation. 
     I was tired as hell come 7 am, so I said screw it and took a nap. Apparently she did too. But at least we can say we had fun last night.


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