Happiness in the making

    There have been a lot of changes made in my life recently. What started off as more of a closed triangle type thing has ended as just a relationship with my love Brandi. I guess things got to be too much for Joey. I would be lying if I said that I didn't see it coming. One day I just got a phone call saying that he felt that we would be better off friends. I happily agree. Our relationship had met it's end. There was no sexual attraction... not just to him but any man. So we ended our relationship.
    But I can say that I am much happier now. Brandi has brought that long lost happiness back into my life. Rarely can you look at me and not see a smile on my face. And the sex drive I had thought was long gone has came back in overdrive. I can't really explain much of what's changing, but I do know that I am happy. Happier than I have been in a very long time. Even my bad days don't seem so bad with her here with me.
   I know that our journey has just begun, but I have a feeling that we are both in this for the long run. She seems very happy with the decisions that we have made. She seems happy with our home life, minus all the drama caused by exes. And above all, the kids seem to be happy here. They are doing much better both behaviorally and educationally. I just hope that this journey leads both of us to where we want to be.


  1. I hope you do find the happiness you are seeking sometimes it just means being brutally honest about what we are and who you are.

  2. A love life without the constant drama from an ex sounds like heaven! I hope everything works out for you guys. Good luck!


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