What's had me away

     I've had a lot of changes in my life recently. Most of them I am happy about. But one big one is what has had me distracted lately. Normally a distraction isn't a good thing for me, but this one.. well it's different. Or should I say she is different.
     I started seeing someone a little while ago. And let me just say that she is amazing. She wasn't in a very good situation when I met her. It started out as spending all night up with her just talking over a couple of drinks. That turned into her staying a night.. then two.. and now (as of today) we made a rather large addition to our family. She has 3 wonderful children that I absolutely adore. And I am happy to say that we have agreed to move in together.
    So now I have a house full. I have Daddy, our son, my girlfriend and our three kids. It's going to be an adjustment, starting with getting us into a bigger house. But it's well worth it. I haven't been so happy in quite some time. Of course I have been happy with daddy.. but she truly adds to my happy. I am excited to see where this journey leads us. Wish us luck.


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