
Showing posts from April, 2021


I am going to start by saying I am so sore. My whole body hurts. Anyone have any guesses as to why I am so sore??? Ok you broke me, I'll tell you why. Brandi and I joined the gym. In doing so we also signed up for a personal trainer once a month. Yesterday just so happed to be our first meeting. We both got a full body scan and then we went out to the floor to start on key exercises that would work on our problem areas. A full hour of pushing us to our breaking points. Normally when one workout starts hurting we just jump to a different machine and work on something else. Well our trainer had something else in mind. We didn't get to stop or take a break. Three sets of everything with 30 second breaks in between. And when we did switch workouts we got a whopping minute and a half. I just thought I felt like I was going to die yesterday. Nope. Today's goal was an hour on weights. And then tomorrow I get to go back and do cardio just like yesterday. My legs are sore, m...

What's new??

Well Delaney is out of Red River.... again. She is doing betterish. But we have come to the conclusion that most of her issues are behavioral not mental. Seems that she has a big issue with not handling consequences and not liking to follow rules. So I am on the look out for a boot camp or behaviorial center. She says she can change her behavior without, but it's alway a good idea to have those things in place just incase. On another note, Brandi and I were in an accident last week. Lucky for us we didn't sustain any major damage. The truck can't be driven right now due to insurance purposes.. but oh well. At least we are okay. It could have been a lot worse. I guess it's a good thing that ford made full metal body styles up into the early 2000's. Other than that... we now have 2 Pre-K graduates. Yeah I know. It's a big change though. I teared up a little when Damian's cap and gown pictures came in. My little boy isn't so little anymore. Next ...

The Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent

Ok so I'm going to start with the bad. The bad is that I am super annoyed right now. I can't stand when people sit around on their asses and expect me to do it all. Like I'm not already doing enough. It's not enough that I'm running my own business. It's not enough that I am constantly cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the kids. It's not enough that I am the only one looking for work to keep this house running smoothly. And then to top it all off when I finally had enough and blow, I get an attitude like they have been helping me all along. Then to add to all of that chaios I also have to figure out how to replace over $1000 worth of merchandise that my previous business partner stole while I was busy dealing with my home life. So that's all just... ugh. I can't even be sarcastic about it. Anyway. Enough bitching. On to the better news. So I applied at my local Family Dollar for a cashier possision to help make ends meet. I was declined af...

Under the weather

I must have royally screwed up somewhere in resetting my metobalism because now I feel so sick. I forget the risk involved when you try to reset your metabolism. If you forget that your body needs antiboties you may very well end up getting sick. Well here I am... with a freakin head cold. In case you haven't been educated about resetting metabolism, it's basically fasting for 3 days and allowing your body to realize it has stored energy and fat to burn. During that time period it is super important to give your body essential vitamins to ensure you don't get sick. Well my dumb ass fasted for 4 days last week and forgot my vitamins. Now I am paying for it. I ended uptaking nyquil last night because I felt the onset of a cold. All day today I've definitely been feeling it kick my ass. So herbal remedies it was. All types of antioxident rich teas. I'm beginning to feel somewhat better but I still feel exhausted. But on a positive note,, I did manage to r...