What's new??

Well Delaney is out of Red River.... again. She is doing betterish. But we have come to the conclusion that most of her issues are behavioral not mental. Seems that she has a big issue with not handling consequences and not liking to follow rules. So I am on the look out for a boot camp or behaviorial center. She says she can change her behavior without, but it's alway a good idea to have those things in place just incase. On another note, Brandi and I were in an accident last week. Lucky for us we didn't sustain any major damage. The truck can't be driven right now due to insurance purposes.. but oh well. At least we are okay. It could have been a lot worse. I guess it's a good thing that ford made full metal body styles up into the early 2000's. Other than that... we now have 2 Pre-K graduates. Yeah I know. It's a big change though. I teared up a little when Damian's cap and gown pictures came in. My little boy isn't so little anymore. Next year he will swear he isn't my baby anymore because he will be allowed to do all the things the other kids do. He will be riding the school bus and walking the halls with all the other kindergarden students. But anyway.. enough blabbering. I could go on for days about my little man growing up. But its time to get to work. So bright blessings lovelies. I hope you are all doing well.


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