The Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent

Ok so I'm going to start with the bad. The bad is that I am super annoyed right now. I can't stand when people sit around on their asses and expect me to do it all. Like I'm not already doing enough. It's not enough that I'm running my own business. It's not enough that I am constantly cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the kids. It's not enough that I am the only one looking for work to keep this house running smoothly. And then to top it all off when I finally had enough and blow, I get an attitude like they have been helping me all along. Then to add to all of that chaios I also have to figure out how to replace over $1000 worth of merchandise that my previous business partner stole while I was busy dealing with my home life. So that's all just... ugh. I can't even be sarcastic about it. Anyway. Enough bitching. On to the better news. So I applied at my local Family Dollar for a cashier possision to help make ends meet. I was declined after waiting for a month. But I guess it was a blessing in disguise. They declined me because about 4 years ago I was training for assistant manager at Dollar Tree. (They are owned by the same company.) Apparently I have too much experience to be a cashier. So I went and spoke with the manager. She informed me that she was trying to push my application, but the only way she can hire me is as an assistant manager. So yesterday I filled out all my paperwork and she is now hiring me as assistant manager. Her goal is to have me trained and ready for managent within 6 months so she can return to her home store. Now on to the good news. Dispite the sweets and fast food that I have consumed in the last two weeks I have lost 6 pounds. Now that is a miracle. I guess I can write it up as staying busy. I haven't really stopped to breathe in the last two weeks either. Trust me when I say that my body is reminding me every step of the way that I am not 20 anymore. My whole body hurts. But I guess it's as they say "no pain, no gain." No one ever said it would be easy to lose the weight or to get back into shape. It's going to be painful. And I am slowly realizing that no matter what I do I am never going to see a size 0 again. It's impossible. I'm a woman who has birthed 3 kids. My hips have spread and even if I lose 80 pounds bones don't shrink. So I have to figure out a weight I am okay with and realize I'm never going to get my teen body back because I am no longer a teen. My body has matured. Anyway enough of my jibbering. I'm off to start my day. Bright blessings lovelies. I hope you are all doing well.


  1. Good luck, I hope you enjoy Dollar Tree/Family Dollar more than I did and they offer you better pay and benefits. For me it wasn’t worth it but I hope it’ll help ease the financial stress in your household. Hope everything else is well and you find the weight you’re comfortable with.


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