Under the weather

I must have royally screwed up somewhere in resetting my metobalism because now I feel so sick. I forget the risk involved when you try to reset your metabolism. If you forget that your body needs antiboties you may very well end up getting sick. Well here I am... with a freakin head cold. In case you haven't been educated about resetting metabolism, it's basically fasting for 3 days and allowing your body to realize it has stored energy and fat to burn. During that time period it is super important to give your body essential vitamins to ensure you don't get sick. Well my dumb ass fasted for 4 days last week and forgot my vitamins. Now I am paying for it. I ended uptaking nyquil last night because I felt the onset of a cold. All day today I've definitely been feeling it kick my ass. So herbal remedies it was. All types of antioxident rich teas. I'm beginning to feel somewhat better but I still feel exhausted. But on a positive note,, I did manage to reset my metabolism. I felt like I was stuck in limbo as far as weight loss goes. For over a week I dieted and stayed active only to see the numbers on the scale hadn't budged. But after fasting I found I have lost 2 more pounds. So time to watch the numbers on that scale drop (hopefully). Anyway.. wish me luck. Hopefully I will be back to my normal self by tomorrow.


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