
Showing posts from April, 2020

Where have I been?

   OMG!!! I am so over this quarantine crap. I'm going on week 6 of being trapped in this house with 5 kids and no way to escape. Someone please rescue us. I understand that everything is starting to open back up.. But no school? Really? You can't give me some sort of break after me having to play teacher and mom for nearly a semester of school? I'm losing my mind and my voice.      Kids don't want to do their school work. They don't know how to play quietly. And if I want my house clean, I have to pretty much clean 24/7 because just as soon as I get one room clean they have destroyed another. Where does this end? I am drained. I feel like I need a week of sleep and relaxation. Can I self quarantine to my room.. lock all the doors and windows and refuse to leave?      Okay... maybe I am exaggerating some.. but that doesn't mean that I'm not exhausted. I very well am. I've reached that point where all it takes is one wrong look or one ...

Just what I needed

    A long, hot, relaxing bubble bath is just what the doctor prescribed after a day like today. It has been hectic to say the least. And boy am I glad its over.     It started off like any other Monday here lately... Jam packed with google meet. So 5 kids video calling their teachers and me trying to pay attention to that plus help Damian with his speech therapy while video chatting his speech therapist on zoom. Thank god for good internet.    After we successfully tacked that, we were out the door and on our way to make some purchases. I finally got my new laptop. Brandi and I both got our fitbits. And there were some new clothes purchases along with some things for the kids.    By the time we made it home I was already tired. But no nap for me. I had to set up the electronics as well as order dinner. That alone gave me a headache. But at least I got it done. Now its time to focus on me. I think a relaxing bath and sleep are the only thing...

This week in review

   I would be lying if I said this week has been any easier than the ones it followed. It's actually been more hectic than the weeks before. With school being out longer than what was originally foreseen, well it's been a pain in the ass. I'm actually hoping that school decides to tack on a week or two once they do return. This momma needs a break. But if we are being completely honest... I wish they would continue the school year through most of the summer.. or at very least offer summer schooling. I think that would be considered fair since my kids fight me so hard on doing their school work and turning it in on time. Homeschooling is definitely not for the faint of heart. It will drive you insane.     On the plus side of things, we got a midweek visit from Daddy. His load schedule allowed him to come home for 24 hours in between loads. So yay for us. Brandi and I both needed some Daddy time. The kids weren't so happy to see him though. They were all in troub...

What's going on...

   Well honestly I wish there was a way to make this a short and sweet story. However since I have been absent for so long I can't quite sum everything up in a few sentences or even a couple of paragraphs... so here we go.    So since my last post, a lot has happened. We ended up trading off kids with Brandi's ex for about a week because she claimed she was having so many issues with her teen and pre-teen children. That actually wasn't near as difficult to handle as she had made it out to be. In fact, a lot of unknown things have came to light and I have decided to keep one of the children longer than what I originally anticipated. Turns out the children were the least of the problem. But all of that will come to light throughout this post.    I managed to get everything in the house deep cleaned thanks to a mental breakdown over the last few days. The child I have decided to keep, well she is being abused. I learned that she is being hit at home as well...