This week in review

   I would be lying if I said this week has been any easier than the ones it followed. It's actually been more hectic than the weeks before. With school being out longer than what was originally foreseen, well it's been a pain in the ass. I'm actually hoping that school decides to tack on a week or two once they do return. This momma needs a break. But if we are being completely honest... I wish they would continue the school year through most of the summer.. or at very least offer summer schooling. I think that would be considered fair since my kids fight me so hard on doing their school work and turning it in on time. Homeschooling is definitely not for the faint of heart. It will drive you insane. 
   On the plus side of things, we got a midweek visit from Daddy. His load schedule allowed him to come home for 24 hours in between loads. So yay for us. Brandi and I both needed some Daddy time. The kids weren't so happy to see him though. They were all in trouble for giving Brandi and I a hard time this week. But at least Daddy seemed happy to see us. He actually treated us to a good night sleep after having a long talk about bringing another Price baby into the world.
   Oh yeah.. I forgot to mention that didn't I?  Brandi and I have talked in the past about having another baby, but we didn't know exactly how to make that possible. But the answer has been given to us. Joey and Brandi are going to have a baby. We've been taking precautions but that is now coming to a halt. We are now going to let nature take it's course. And we have some pretty great names in mind. Boy would be Andrew Scott Price. (Andrew was supposed to be his last child's name.. but at birth it was a girl, and Scott for Brandi's deceased father.) Girl would be Jordyn Rain Price.. I got to pick that one. (It was just a name I had picked out if Damian had been a girl.)
   I think Brandi and I are in competition for who is the most excited to bring in a new member of the family. Finally a baby of our own. Joey and Brandi are against me though. I want a girl. But they have their hopes on a boy. But I think we will all be happy for it to just be a healthy baby. Either way it will be a blessing.
    But anyway that's all the excitement for this week. I'm off to start dinner and get Daddy ready to hit the road again. At least until late Monday or early Tuesday. So bright blessings lovelies. I hope you are all staying safe.


  1. You're all selfish to bring another life into this world when Joey can't even take care of his daughter's or bother with them. Didn't he abandon visitation with his oldest over Thanksgiving just to run to you? What if it's a girl? Won't she just get left in the dust like his other three? You're all pathetic and selfish to do that to another child.

    1. I'm pretty sure i already know who you are, so why post anonymously? And selfish? Hes been told time and time again by both mothers to his daughters to "get lost", "don't come back", "stay away from us", and the list goes on and on. We've had our disagreements but hes never left me or our son "in the dust". I guess because I've never told him to stay away. And asides from that.. Yeah hes helping conceive the child but it's for brandi and i. So again i want to know where there is selfishness?
      As far as Thanksgiving goes... He had visitation with his son that week as well and didnt show up until Tuesday and left after we had Thanksgiving dinner. This was partially my own doing because i requested that his oldest daughter not be in my home due to both her and her mothers past lies.
      Not that any of this is really anyone elses concern

    2. I've stayed out of your life but when I receive screenshots saying you're calling my daughter a liar I don't appreciate it. While I agree that it's selfish, I've left it alone because frankly I don't care. You want to ruin another child's life and post lies in your comments go for it but don't you dare think you have the right to accuse my daughter of lying about the abuse she endured during your care. Again for clarification, my exact words have been be consistent or don't bother at all. I never told him to stay away but I'm not going to go in circles. Just keep mine and my daughter's name out of your mouth. You should be more focused on praying for that child that will have to suffer because of your selfishness.

    3. You can say that im a liar or bad parent all that you want. You can even say that i am selfish or neglectful. But we both know that isnt true. We both know that while i lived with you i took care of your daughter while you worked, slept, and slept around. We also both know how many times shes said she hates you and wanted to live with jr and i. The only time she has ever spoke ill of me is when you were around and when she was upset that jr and i had split.
      The last time she fabricated a story about me was when i decided i wouldnt have her in my home any longer. Especially when anyone who was around could vouch that all i did was spoil her. Which was true. I did spoil her. Constantly buying her things, taking her to the lake, new clothes, shoes, toys. Dressing her up.. Doing her hair. Making sure her asthma was under control. Oh but i abused her. No... I wont allow her in my home to be spoiled along with my kids only for her to run back to you and fabricate more lies.

    4. Whatever you have you to tell yourself sweetheart. I'm just saying that you should tread carefully before accusing my daughter of lying. She will never be returning to your home especially since that would be breaking court order. Have a nice life and keep mine and my daughter's name out of your mouth.

    5. I have your current order so i know it doesnt state that. But thankfully jr and i both agree she doesn't need to put our other children at risk and thank you for the reassurance that i dont have to worry about it.

    6. Not going to argue the paperwork with someone it doesn't concern and that's great that you guys decided that because she wasn't going to be two hours away from me. Have a nice life and please keep your lies about my 8 year old daughter to yourself. I'm sorry you have to lie about a child to feel good about yourself.

    7. Whatever Felicia. Keep living in whatever galaxy you're in. I have no need to lie. Never have. And as usual, I dont have the time to or the want to to deal with pettiness and ignorance.


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