What's going on...

   Well honestly I wish there was a way to make this a short and sweet story. However since I have been absent for so long I can't quite sum everything up in a few sentences or even a couple of paragraphs... so here we go.

   So since my last post, a lot has happened. We ended up trading off kids with Brandi's ex for about a week because she claimed she was having so many issues with her teen and pre-teen children. That actually wasn't near as difficult to handle as she had made it out to be. In fact, a lot of unknown things have came to light and I have decided to keep one of the children longer than what I originally anticipated. Turns out the children were the least of the problem. But all of that will come to light throughout this post.
   I managed to get everything in the house deep cleaned thanks to a mental breakdown over the last few days. The child I have decided to keep, well she is being abused. I learned that she is being hit at home as well as mentally degraded. Her biological mother and father are in prison. So she doesn't get much say in what her childhood looks like. So in between breakdowns and cleaning, I have located her mother (which luckily still has her parental rights). Long story short, Joey, Brandi, and I  are looking into gaining guardianship of her. This was actually the kids idea. So my already hectic schedule has just became a little more hectic. But for this cause... I don't mind at all.
    So other than that I've been focusing on this whole school from home program. It's been a royal pain in my ass. Every child (currently 6) has google meet with their teachers. And go figure, they are all at different times throughout the day. So majority of my day is spent chasing down kids to video chat with their teachers. This includes Damian as well. Every Monday and Wednesday he has an hour long session with his speech therapist via Zoom. On top of all of this I have google classroom which allows the kids to do their school work (or at least the majority of it) online. And I have teachers dropping off packets on my porch. It's gotten ridiculous. I'm near the point of pulling out my hair. But somehow I am still managing.
   On top of managing six kids, their schooling, housework, and mental breaks... I've also been working tirelessly to get the house the way that we all want it. Recently we have added another twin sized bed to the house to accommodate the extra kids. And of course with the kids coming from a shitty home we had to buy them hygiene products and new clothes. We are also slowly adding and subtracting things here in the home. I've finally gotten my desk all set up except for a new chair which will hopefully be added this coming weekend. Joey has suggested that I also start looking into replacing other things such as my dining room table and chairs, my laptop, and dressers for both us and the kids. So yay me.. more things to eventually get around to. But I guess it's all for the better.
    So that long story made as short as possible, I am hanging in there. No one said it was going to be easy, they just said it would be worth it. But I know both Brandi and I wish Joey could be home to help us through all of this. Unfortunately he has to be out on the road to support our family. But he knows how much we miss him while he is away.
   Speaking of.. I can happily say that this thrupple is thriving. While Joey and I were already close... I see that Brandi and him are creating a close bond. We are all happy with the situation and I can tell that Joey especially enjoys his time home and the attention he gets. Brandi and I have no complaints either. We have both become spoiled brats. The best I can explain it is that we all (kids included) have the best of both worlds. Even as hectic as things seem to be right now, we are all happy and well taken care of.
   But anyway... It's now 4 a.m. and we just seen Joey off to work. So I guess it's time to actually call it a night and try to get some sleep. Bright blessings lovelies. Stay safe.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes. Finally an update. Im so ready for school to be back in session. I need some normalcy and pampering

  2. Wow, some pretty big changes! Hope everything goes well.


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