Where have I been?

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   OMG!!! I am so over this quarantine crap. I'm going on week 6 of being trapped in this house with 5 kids and no way to escape. Someone please rescue us. I understand that everything is starting to open back up.. But no school? Really? You can't give me some sort of break after me having to play teacher and mom for nearly a semester of school? I'm losing my mind and my voice. 
    Kids don't want to do their school work. They don't know how to play quietly. And if I want my house clean, I have to pretty much clean 24/7 because just as soon as I get one room clean they have destroyed another. Where does this end? I am drained. I feel like I need a week of sleep and relaxation. Can I self quarantine to my room.. lock all the doors and windows and refuse to leave? 
    Okay... maybe I am exaggerating some.. but that doesn't mean that I'm not exhausted. I very well am. I've reached that point where all it takes is one wrong look or one wrong word and I snap. I really do need a break. I don't know how much longer I can handle all of this. I've tried using a reward system to get the kids to mind and it didn't work. I've taking away all distractions...that didn't work. What else is there to do? I definitely was not cut out to be a teacher. I miss my quiet time.
    And to top it all off, I'm going to be going through a crap ton of extra stress soon because I have 6 birthdays coming up within the next few months. So yay me. Not really. I hate planning birthday parties. And what are you supposed to do for birthdays when not everything is up and running again yet? I'm beyond done with this Covid-19 crap. I want normalcy. I want quiet. I want to get out of this damn house.  


  1. (((((((((((((((((B))))))))))))))))))) it'll get better soon

  2. I am WAY over this quarantine crap. Our stay-at-home orders expire on Thursday, and our governor is supposed to make an announcement today of what we are doing from here. The lockdowns have hurt more people than the virus, and the economic impact has been devastating. I really don't believe any of this has been helpful.


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