I will never understand

For those of you that don't already know, yesterday Damian and I experienced a house fire. We (including myself, Damian, my boyfriend, and his dad and his family) lost everything. Now you would think that during such a tragic time you would be able to fall back on those that say they love you and that you are family. Now I realize that is not completely true. Joey, of course.. As always, was right there to try to help. Offering a place to stay and help rebuying everything we need until my boyfriend, his family, and I figure out what to do about living situations and replacing essentials. Now his family was a different story. Now take into consideration that I wasnt asking them for help for myself. Joey did however ask for a little financial help to replace everything our son lost. Nope! Instead of being able to lean on his family, Joey, my boyfriend's family, and I are all working frantically to attempt to replace everything that was lost. ...