An amazing late birthday celebration

    Thanks to Joey my birthday wasn't such a bust. He was nice enough to make up for the horrible day I had on my birthday. So.. Wondering what made it so great? Well for starters, it was great just hanging out with him and our son for 2 days. We talked, we laughed, we stopped until my heart was content, but most importantly we just hung out like the friends we used to be years ago.
    I think by the time everything was said and done, we ended up spending well over $250 on just the shopping. We got a ton of new clothes for Damian and I. We got the stuff for me to touch up my hair. And he was nice enough to get me a few things so I can continue taking care of my nails.
    Probably the best part of it all was dinner though. He treated me and little man to Chili's. It cost us nearly $100 but it was well worth it. We ate like fat kids, talked, and laughed. It truly was a great way to celebrate my birthday.

    I truly am blessed to have such a great friendship with my son's father. It's been a great journey getting our friendship back to right. I am truly blessed to still be able to call him my best friend.


  1. Why was your birthday horrible? Glad you were able to have a good dinner with Joey and your son.


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