Sorry... I've been MIA

    Remember a while back when I said I was going to be making some major changes in myself? I said I was going back to the me that I used to be? Well I accomplished that goal. But just as I anticipated, I lost a few people along the way. That's normally how it goes huh? It's okay though. At least I can say that I am a happier person and that I am satisfied with my decisions.
     Joey and I came to the conclusion that him and I are far too different to make a relationship last and both of us be happy. Neither of us hold any grudges and are doing an amazing job at co-parenting. We've agreed to stick to a personal agreement vs going through child support enforcement. And due to being able to agree so well on our child, we have built a pretty understanding friendship. So although we aren't together, Damian still sees that his parents can get along.
    About a week after Joey and I split, I found myself in the beginning of a new relationship... With my best friend. Those are supposed to be the best relationships right? Well so far that is holding true. There's nothing new for either of us to learn about one another, but we still enjoy every minute we have together. We are always laughing and joking. He knows all my dislikes, and I know his.
    As odd as it all may seem... Even with Everything falling apart in my old life, it seems that its all fell perfectly together. I'll be sure to give yall an update every now and again.. But for now... I'm just enjoying life.


  1. You've had a lot going on lately! It's wonderful that you and Joey are able to work things out together. It's always better that way than with court and all that drama and bullshit dragged in. Glad to hear from you, and I hope everything keeps falling into place.


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