Good News
So a couple of weeks ago I ended up at the doctors office because the pain in my back had become unbearable. I had to get MRIs and X-rays. When the doctor called me with my results she said that I had some degeneration and that I had some narrowing in my lower spine. Scary right? She said she wanted to get me in to see a physical therapist and a chiropractor. Well today I seen my Chiropractor. He took a second look at my MRIs and X-rays. Well it's not as bad as the doctor had made it out to be. It's still not good because I am only 28 but it can be managed. In fact the chiropractor seems to think that in a years time we can either have the pain at a very minimal. Turns out that most of what is causing my pain is years of neglecting a few pinched nerves and my back needs to be aligned. Even with this being my first visit I can feel somewhat of a difference. I'm not hurting as badly as when I went in today. He managed to get my back to...