Ah Hah!

    Finally things are slowing down and starting to fall into place. I have spent the last month trying to get things set in place, figure out how to run my business more smoothly, run my household and work without one interfering with the other, plus take care of myself. Now I feel like I've finally got it all worked out, and I have to admit... It feels good. 

     Over the last 5 years I had myself convinced that I couldn't make it on my own. Well it was more like Joey had me convinced that I couldn't make it without him. But I'm proud of myself. I'm actually doing it. And I'm doing it well. I'm running my own business. I'm taking better care of myself than I have in a very long time. And my household isn't suffering from it. For once I am proud of myself.

   Now I mentioned that I'm taking better care of myself. Well I mean that in more than just one way. I'm finally seeing a psychologist and a therapist to get myself on the right track instead of constantly falling back in to the same repetitive circle expecting different outcomes. And I'm taking better physical care of myself. I've actually lost 6 pounds this past month. It was nice to see the scale say I was back down to 160. 

   Anyway. That is neither here nor there. It was good news, but the main focus of this post is to update you all on the life I'm living now. To let you all know that I'm doing better. That for the first time in a long time I'm truly proud of myself. 


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