Just an update
Can I start by saying ugh... my head hurts? I don't even know where to start. So much has been going on. I guess I'll start by saying that managing an entire household of this size is beyond chaotic. There are so many different aspects to look at before making a final decision. I have thought about our living situation and how each individual will take to moving out of our little city, and of course I had to include how it will effect those closest to us and well... the chances of us moving out of state is pretty slim. It would not just effect us adults. While of course it would be much cheaper to consider Oklahoma, it's not ideal for any of the kids. It would cause them to move schools, change doctors, and would distance them from the people they know and love. That isn't what I'm trying to do here. I want them to have as much of a support system as they possibly can. So it looks like the hunt will continue. I'm now considering talking to my landlord a...