It's a Witch thing.....

    It's a well known fact that a witch's favorite time of year is Halloween. Well lucky for me I live in an area of the world that it is well celebrated. I can never get enough Halloween. I will hesitantly admit that I may have over spent just a tad on decor so far. I'm a couple hundred dollars in. I wish I could say that with that amount I have decorated the whole house.. inside and out, but that isn't entirely true. This is just on things that will decorate the interior of our home for years to come. But I'm here to share some of my spooky finds.
 What home is complete without bleeding candles?
 If the broom fits... Ride it.
 Of course I always have to have a new coffee cup.
 Brandi actually spotted this beautiful snow globe and we had to have it.
We actually ended up buying 4 of these. One for each bedroom and Daddy wanted one for his big rig. 

    This is actually just a very small portion of everything we bought. There is of course a ton more. Everything ranging from oven mitts and pot holders, to decor, all the way down to clothing. I can't wait to see what else the stores put out before Halloween.


  1. I want to go to Halloween Spirit store and get some of their stuff. I need to start getting my decor for the house. Like the snow globe especially

  2. I love those bleeding candles! I need to get some. I love decorating for Halloween.

  3. new blog


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