Getting Ready for School
You know what is a headache? Getting 5 kids ready to start school. I have shopped for school clothes until I would rather vomit than have to buy another children's clothing item. Thankfully the clothes shopping is done and over with... at least until one of them hits a growth spurt. Now on to shoes and school supplies. I'm sure by the time I'm done shopping I won't want to see another store for months. On the plus side, schools will be reopening. So I will be getting that much needed break. Only one problem... preparing the house for the upcoming school year means more shopping. ugh! Luckily I have most of that taken care of as well. I broke down and bought cubbies for them. One set is for their home supplies. Things like their drawing and coloring supplies and their tooth brushes (since somehow their tooth brushes always ended up on the floor). The other set of cubbies is for school. That set will have their clothes and shoes for the next school day. ...