Long overdue update

    Yes, I know I've been MIA for quite some time. So I have a lot of up dating to do. So get ready to do some reading.
    My Birthday was June 18th. I didn't celebrate until the weekend following. But I had a ton of fun. I had my hair redone and spent two days away from home. Joey covered the cost for Brandi and I to get a hotel room and spend some time at the casino. We ended up losing $300, but we had a lot of fun. And we made it home just in time to spend Father's Day with Joey. He ended up getting a new knife and we cooked out. He really enjoyed the t-bone steak meal.
     June was a really eventful month. Besides my birthday and Father's Day, we had a ton of appointments. Delaney is now on medication for her depression and ADHD. And Blake is now  medication for his ADHD. Damian also finished up his last few sessions of speech therapy. So I guess that is all for the better.
    Now that July has greeted us with it's horrendous heat, we've been making plans with the kids. This past Wednesday we took our girls to Castaway Cove. Needless to say, they had a blast. Thursday, we took the boys to Boomtown Bay. It was Damian's first time to a water park. He was kind of scared at first, but within an hour he was off having a blast. And a plus side for us moms.. the kids were exhausted and slept well both nights.
     Since the kids enjoyed themselves so much, we decided to have 2 birthday parties for our birthday babies this month. Delaney, Damian, and Destiny all have birthdays in a weeks time. So we had decided to do a combined birthday party. Well now the family party will be held Saturday the 11th here at home and their big party will be held at Castaway Cove. It cost us $250 but I'm sure it will be well worth the money spent.
   Once all of the Birthday surprises are done and over will it will be time to prepare for school to start up again. According to the school website, school is supposed to start back August 20th. But we have no clue what that is supposed to look like or if it will be postponed due to this Covid-19 crap. But better to be prepared anyway. I just hope that the kids are able to return to school. (The Covid-19 pandemic seems to be messing up all hopes of normalcy.)
     But to add to the stress of everything, Joey was offered another job. This one would leave him out on the truck for 2-3 weeks at a time. But the pay raise would be well worth our time apart. It would more than assure that our house hold has everything that we want and need. Which in a way is more of a stress relief than anything.
    Last night we stayed up late talking about how this job offer would effect us. We talked about possibly finding a bigger home, to buy this time. And where we would put the extra money. If he chooses to take this job, it would definitely put us where we had hoped to be in the next 5 years. In fact, we have found a few houses we may possibly be interested in. One of which is a 5 bedroom 2 bath with a mother-in-law suite in the back which is a 2 bedroom 1 bath. It's huge to say the least. But it is owner financed and priced at $80,000. I just hope it is still on the market once we reach a point of ready to buy.
    There are a lot of things up in the air right now. But at least I know that we are okay, despite the pandemic. Now one can only hope that this pandemic comes to an end... and soon. I'm ready for some normalcy. Beyond ready. We've been trying to live life as normally as possible. But that is near impossible while half of the country is shut down. And I'm sure I'm not the only one praying for relief.
    I've been talking with my mother quite a bit since this the beginning of all this mess. She is hoping that everything comes to an end by this time next year. She has big plans. And by plans, I mean my mother has started saving so she can come visit us next year. Personally, I can't wait either. It's been 6 years since I last seen my mom. That is far too long. I just hope that her visit goes much better than our last encounter.
   I miss my mom, but we do have our differences. We don't always see eye to eye. We often have a difference in opinion. But she is and always will be my mother. And while it is rare that we agree on much of anything, I wish she lived closer. I have my days where (even at 28 years old) I wish I could go to my mother's house and just vent about the events going on in my own life and seek advice. One of those motherly hugs is way overdue.
    But anyway.. enough with my rambling. I should probably get up and start my day instead of staring blankly at this computer screen. I hope everyone is safe and well. Bright blessings lovelies. I wish you all the best.


  1. Yeah we could deal with some normalcy too and hopefully come August thge kids will be back in school.


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