Getting Ready for School

   You know what is a headache? Getting 5 kids ready to start school. I have shopped for school clothes until I would rather vomit than have to buy another children's clothing item. Thankfully the clothes shopping is done and over with... at least until one of them hits a growth spurt. Now on to shoes and school supplies. I'm sure by the time I'm done shopping I won't want to see another store for months.
   On the plus side, schools will be reopening. So I will be getting that much needed break. Only one problem... preparing the house for the upcoming school year means more shopping. ugh! Luckily I have most of that taken care of as well. I broke down and bought cubbies for them. One set is for their home supplies. Things like their drawing and  coloring supplies and their tooth brushes (since somehow their tooth brushes always ended up on the floor). The other set of cubbies is for school. That set will have their clothes and shoes for the next school day.
   I have this theory that if I have them set out their clothes and shoes the night before, that maybe we can get through the morning without so much chaos. Or at least that is what I am hoping for. I can't take another school year like last year. The kids were all over the place and had no idea what a routine was. It was horrible. I refuse to have another year like that. Hence forth why I have been getting them more on a schedule over this summer.
   I also went ahead and got them their backpacks and hooks to hang them on. Yet another piece of my puzzle for having a less chaotic school year. Surely they can't give me too many problems if they know where all their stuff is in the mornings. And just to make sure that we have a blissful school year, I have also created a schedule for both morning and afternoon. This contains everything from waking up, to chores, to bath time. I even have designated t.v. time in the schedule. I plan to be very well organized this year. Did I mention how hectic last year was and why I am doing things this way?
   Last year was hell on wheels. We were so off track and unprepared. It was horrid. Most mornings we had no clue if we were coming or going. Half the time the kids had no clue where their backpacks or jackets were. And 90 percent of the time we had to search for their shoes. I was no where near ready to take on the responsibility of getting 3 kids ready for school every morning. It did get better towards the end of the school year.. but we still hadn't found a system that worked for us.
    My number one goal is to make sure we don't go through that again this year. It's a work in progress but I am sure we will get there. Wish us luck. Bright blessings lovelies. I hope you are all well.


  1. Looking back now, I don't know how my mom got four of us (I have 3 brothers) ready each school year. Good luck herding 5 kids!

    1. I feel like its a learn as you go kind of thing. Take what you learned the year before and use what worked trash what didn't. Maybe I will have it right before they all hit jr high lol.


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