Feeling accomplished

All week last week I busted my ass trying to get this house the way I want it. And when I say I busted my ass.. I mean exactly that. There were several days of being up at 6 A.M. and not getting to bed until midnight or later. ButvI will say this... It was worth every minute of it. I am extremely proud of the progress thats been made. The picture above is a section of my kitchen. It started off with the walls being a smoke stained wood paneling with no added color and plywood floors. As you can see I painted the walls (after extensive cleaning) and trims, and went with a really pretty tile that complements my choice of color for the walls. I've done the same with just about every room in the house. All I really have left to do is texture and paint the ceilings, lay carpet in the bedrooms, and paint my bathroom (as soon as I decide on a color scheme). It's a work in progress but I am proud of everything ive accomplished. I cant wait to show ...