
   Well guys, I'm here to say that against all odds, we made it. Joey and I got a house and pretty well have it furnished, minus just a few things. But for the most part we are doing well. As far as the house goes, it needs some minor work. Nothing too major. Its all stuff we can do ourselves. But our landlord is amazing. She is working with us to make this house exactly what I want it to be.
   Now on to the best part. This rental home may become our forever home. After talking with out landlord, we have come to the conclusion that if this house has become something that I would like to keep... Shes willing to do rent to own (and for a very reasonable price might I add). If all goes well, in 2 years I will be a home owner.
    Like I said, the house needs some repairs, but hell.. Don't most houses? I know several people that rent places that need more work than this one. Oh and did I mention that this place is a 2 bedroom with high potential to be a 3 bedroom? And I have a huge kitchen with tons of cabinet and counter space? (Perfect for my love of cooking.)
    There are lots of other changes in the making but for my own sanity and the sake of Joey, I'm choosing to not speak of those just yet. All im going to say is, things are falling into place. As does everything in life, it takes time.. But things are well and reaching some sort of normality. Fingers crossed that things play out in a way that we all wish it to.


  1. The house sounds nice. Have you moved in already? Hope everything works out and goes well for you guys.


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