A Place that we Belong

   I would be lying if I said that I hadn't had my doubts about moving to this area. After all.. It was a place that I, nor daddy, were very familiar with. And to hear people talk, you would have thought that we had picked the worst of the worst neighborhoods. But we did it anyway. And I'm actually very glad that we did. I love it here.
    As far as home life goes, we have met nothing but nice neighborly people. Most of them stay to themselves with only a polite wave to offer every now and again. And the ones that have offered more friendly gestures still keep quiet and don't bother anyone. Our landlord and all of her helpers are all very friendly and have offered help where they could manage. One guy is even giving us a full blooded Pit Bull for Damian and I.
    As far as the town goes, well its taken some getting out and exploring for us to not have to use our GPS to get everywhere, but its nice. We even managed to find a small(ish) community of like minded people. Where we are from BDSM relationships were the work of the devil. But in our small(ish) community, its celebrated. It's ok to be different and have a different dynamic. We have really enjoyed getting to know everyone and their own kinks and quirks.
   Of course there will always be some that you bond with more than others, but hey.. Thats life. We have found a few couples that we really hit it off with. I've met several other "littles" and I'm excited to get to talk with most of them every day. It's been great here. I couldn't ask to have met a better community of people. Even though we aren't all the same.
    I really do think daddy and I have found our place in this world.


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