Can I start by saying... this year is flying by. It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating little Ms. Jordyn's third birthday. And now here we are approaching May.
But May contains a lot of big milestones for our family. Our oldest (Raymon) will be graduating. That in it's self is a huge accomplishment. We both worked our buts off to see that day come. When he first came to me, he had already missed a year of school. He had nowhere near the credits required to graduate on any level. He had no dream or ambition. But now look at my little butterfly. We sat down with the school counselor two years ago and made a plan and got him on track. And now he is working so hard to get into a welding program and further his education. Proud is an understatement!
Levi has done a 360 too. He is now on track to graduate with a public service achievement. And his goal for after graduation next year is to join the military and obtain his CDL. He has come a long way from the little boy that joined ROTC as part of a get out of jail free card. He has now served 3 full years in ROTC and loves it.
As for the rest of my little munchkins.... I'm so proud of them. All of the kids are passing with AB honor-roll. That's something I never thought I would get to say. Especially since so many of them have learning difficulties. But it happened! I feel like I owe a huge thank you to their school district for being so amazing and working with them in every area. Moving here truly was the best thing that could ever happen for our children.
But passing grades and a graduate aren't all of the big news for May. Raymon has decided to move out. So there will be some big changes here in the home as well. Once everyone goes off to their summer destinations, I will be working on some big projects here at home. There will be no room left untouched. The kids will be in for a big surprise when they come home in July.
Oh and I forgot to mention... Levi has his first summer hussle this year too. He has decided to go into a partnership with a friend of his mowing yards. It's not great money but he has decided that he wants to help earn the money for his school clothes for next year. They are all growing up so fast.
Even little Ms. Jordyn is growing up. She won't be able to attend school this year because they don't take three year olds, but she is learning so much. She already knows her ABC's, she is still working on identifying them when written, but she knows how to associate the letters with words. She knows most of her colors and shapes.. and this smarty pants princess is working on learning her numbers 1-20.
I feel like she will be overly prepared for pre-k. Now if only we could get this potty training business completed.
It sounds like everyone in the house is doing fantastic. Great news!