Just crazy!!!

    Yesterday was by far one of the worst days I have had in a very long time. Normally when I say I have had a bad day it means the kids have drove me crazy or something simple breaks causing an inconvenience. No! Yesterday was a bad day. 

    Let's start with the fact of nearly waking up too late to get the kids on the school bus. I guess due to being up late dealing with sinus drainage, I didn't hear my alarm. So there I was all scatter brained and rushing kids out the door. I was running almost 20 minutes late and the kids were just minutes from missing the bus.

    Then let's add the fact that I had a vet appointment for Bridget. That actually went pretty well until the worlds biggest German Sheppard scared the crap out of her and caused her to go into an anxiety attack. And when I say this dog was huge, I mean huge. The damn thing was bigger than I am by a long shot. He gave me anxiety. But poor little 19 pound Bridget was terrified. Her muscles were so tense, she bent the needle. I had to use some of the training techniques we learned just to get her to relax enough to get her rabies booster. It was a disaster.

   But the disaster couldn't just end there could it. No. I had it in my head that I was going to come home, eat, go sign a few papers for some testing through the school... and then just relax at home in the nice weather until the kids got home from school. But my life can't ever be that simple.

   Instead, I made it halfway through my breakfast when I got a call from Jani (a close family friend). She was in the hospital nearly choking to death on her own blood. So of course, I freak out. I didn't finish my breakfast. I rushed to the school, signed paperwork, and sped all the way to the hospital.

    When I walked in I was pissed. Not only did they have her door shut so you couldn't hear her gurgling for help, but they also had her sitting in a puddle of blood, no vomit bag, and her call button was half way across the room. So I immediately rush to aid her. I sat her up in bed, pulled the trash can over and grabbed a wad of paper towels for her to wipe her face. 

    Once I had her settled enough that she could breath again, I went straight to the nurses station. Of course when I stated the issues and requested a new sheet, vomit bag, and an eta on the doctor she seemed surprised as if she didn't know she had a patient directly across the hall nearly dying from choking on her own blood or the mess they left her sitting in.

    So after several hours in the ER, a hefty exchange of snarky comments between the nurse and I, an incompetent doctor, and a quick visit from an ENT. The bleeding finally stopped and they sent Jani home with a diagnoses of a ruptured polyp in her nose. They recommended surgery as soon as possible.

    You would think my day got better after that, but no. When it rains... it pours. Literally in this case. The nice weather I had intended on enjoying turned to a tornado watch! Freakin really? Yes! Absolutely yes! So I rush to the store, grab a few things for the kids to eat in case of a power outage, and rush home. Only to spend the rest of my evening trying to convince the kids that we would be fine... a tornado watch just means that the weather and wind COULD develop into a tornado.. but it most likely wouldn't. 

    So by 9:00 I was exhausted and ready for bed. But no.... Then came the downpour and the lightning. So I had to stay awake until it passed because if I went to bed just then I would have never heard a tornado siren if it went off. Luckily it all passed by 10:30 and was able to go to bed. 

    But just my luck, due to Texas an it's bipolar weather.... I think I'm coming down with a head cold :(



  1. We had a horrible storm recently, and it kept me up all night, worried about tornadoes and damage to our house. What happened to your friend at the hospital is horrifying. After what I saw when my mom was in the hospital, I feel like if I get really sick, I would be safer staying home.


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