
    I've never been one to ask for help. Normally I take everything on by my self  and don't give it a second thought. If I do ask for help it has to be something I know I can't take on physically or mentally by myself. So I've been attempting to break that cycle and ask for help more often.

    The problem with that is now I know why I stopped asking for help years ago. If you don't ask for help, you can't be disappointed when the people you thought you could depend on let you down. If you don't ask for help, you can only be upset with yourself when things don't turn out like you want or need. 

  So since I've relearned that you can only count on yourself, I'll be going right back to that... counting on myself


  1. I am sorry to hear this. You do so much for others. It surprises me. I hate asking for help too, but have come to realize sometimes I have to. Of course I struggle with how they help. Especially my husband. I know he really tries hard but doesn't complete tasks like I would. Of course I have trouble with wanting everything perfect. Once I learned not to expect perfection, I realized what he does is a really big help.

  2. That sucks but sometimes thats all we can do. A new blog woman,


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