Be careful

 So nearly a month ago I told yall I was sick. It turned out to be strep. Well 10 days on antibiotics and I started feeling better. I was left with this horrible feeling of a head cold and a post nasal drip that just would not pass, then started what felt like an ear infection... shortly followed by another fever.. so back to the emergency room I went.

   Turns out that I had what the doctors are calling "the triad". It seems to be very common this year and they haven't quite figured out how to control it outside of a hospital setting.  I spent 2 days in the hospital under supervision,  super antibiotics (a mixture of penicillin and clindamycin), IV fluids, pain killers, and steroids.

   When I went in I was struggling to swallow my own saliva much less any type of fluids or pills. I had a fever of 104+. And struggled to stay awake for any amount of time. I was lucky though. Unlike some that I had heard of, my fever broke within 12 hours. They were able to get the swelling in my throat under control within 24 hours. And I was able to take meds orally and eat by 18 hours. The rest of my stay was for observation and to ensure that I remained stable.  

   Now the kicker.. people who have caught this have stated that the long term effects of this is severe fatigue lasting as long as 3 weeks and post nasal drip lasting up to 3 weeks as well. Be careful though because this can cause a relapse if not continously treated. Beware people.. these sicknesses just keep getting worse.

   My suggestion... if you aren't already taking daily vitamins... start. If you aren't already taking probiotics... start. If you aren't already taking a vitamin c booster... start. You don't want this crap that's going around now. It's bad.


  1. This is scary. I have not heard of this. Sounds worse than Covid. Please take care. I hope Brandi stays healthy. Didn't she get strep too? I know some of our friends kids have gotten RSV. I hope none of the kids catch anything.

    1. Brandi did end up with strep too.. but she is back to good health as well. It was worse than covid by a long shot. Oof.. rsv is nothing to play around with. I hope everyone had a swift recovery and is well now.


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