EMDR Session 4
After a rough two weeks, I had another session with my therapist. Today was simple and painless. We simply worked on my "safe calm place". It turns out this is a good coping skill for frustration and irritation too.
Today we pin pointed behaviors that cause frustration and irritability. Go figure.. most of my frustration is caused by the male population. Mostly their expectations of females. By expectations I mean looks, availability, house keeping, cooking, tidying, taking care of the children, exc.
When was there a guide to womanhood that stated that it was a woman's JOB to take care of everything both inside and out of the home everyday? Where does it say that woman should obey without opinions of their own? Where the hell does it give men the right of judgement over a woman's body and upkeep?
I'm sorry but if I want to take a day, week, or month to do what I want.... I damn well will. I'm not going to cook and clean all day and then spend every spare moment tending to childrens every whim. Not going to happen. I will not allow a man to speak to me however they like with no repercussion. I will not be called out of my name without him being laid to the same judgement he just gave me. I'm not a submissive woman from the 1950's. I will speak my mind and be respected.
okay, so now on to how to properly deal with these situations. Instead of lashing out, I should set clear boundaries. And if those boundaries get crossed or I feel irritated or irrational... I should take a visit to my safe place and revisit the situation when I am calm. We will see how that works out for me.
No one has the right to treat you poorly. I am glad to hear you stuck up for yourself. And very important for your daughter to see that. It makes no sense that men continue to think of women in such a way. Glad to hear therapy is helping.