Where things stand

    I have definitely been enjoying getting back to how things once were. I've been able to stay home more often and be more attentive to the household and kids vs just a few months ago I didn't have time to deal with everything. So as you can imagine a lot of things went ignored. A few months ago I spent all of my time working, and what time I wasn't working I was looking for more jobs.

   Thanks to Joey that time has passed. I've been able to stay home, tend to the kids, and take care of myself and my household. I still work... just not near as often. I also only do it to supplement income vs it being the main source of income. It's been a relief. I wasn't sure how much longer my household or I could keep going like that. Especially Damian and miss Jordyn. Both of them were so used to me being home to tend to them and then just *bam* out of nowhere mom was working full time. Neither of them handled it well.

   I would be lying if I said it's been an easy transition for them. It was hard on them finding their groove while Brandi and I were working so much. After a month or so it was like they had forgotten what it was like having a parent at home to enforce rules. And now that we are home more often it's been a bit of a struggle to get them back in routine and schedule. But we are getting there. 

       Brandi and I have had some disagreement on how strict I am at the moment, but that quickly changed when I dropped the schedule for about 4 days. She seen the major change in their behavior and agreed to do things my way. While yes, having children is supposed to be joyful, that doesn't mean to let them run wild. A lot of people do not agree with the standards that I hold for my children. They say I'm too strict or that I never allow them to "just be kids". But my way works.

     My kids know right from wrong. They also know that if they misbehave at school, home, or with the sitter there will be consequences. (No, I do not beat my kids... but taking their electronics away and being left with a pencil, paper, and a sentence to write seems to feel like death to them.) My kids also know that good behavior gets rewarded. I'm not one of those parents that praise every good action either. My kids understand that in life even when they do everything right, it may seem to go unnoticed for a while. 

   It was actually kind of funny talking to Damian a couple of weeks ago about returning to school. I had asked him about his friends, and of course he started rambling on about a few kids. But towards the end of the rambling he started telling me about the kids he wasn't friends with and why. But one thing stuck out. He said that he wasn't friends with those kids because they always got in trouble at school and they say bad words. So I know what I am doing is helping him make better decisions for his own future.

   At 6 years old he is making better life decisions than some adults I know. He is maturing into such an amazing tiny person. In that moment I realized that because I set high standards for my kids, they set higher expectations of themselves. 

   I don't know how this turned into a segment on parenting... I guess I'm just really glad to be home and able to have these moments with my kiddos. Anyway.. these kids are bugging me because it's almost lunch and mama is at her computer instead of being on schedule. So bright blessings lovelies. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the last of summer break.


  1. I think you know what is best for your children. It is nice to see a parent teach their kids right from wrong & there are consequences for bad behavior. I cannot believe some of the disrespect I see some show their parents, teachers & others in public. My folks would have never tolerated it. Glad to hear home life has improved. I bet your son & Jordyn are glad you home more.


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