What's New?

    I know. I know. I've been gone forever. I haven't given so much as a glimpse into what I've been up to. But it's ok... I'm here now. So where do we begin?

   Let's start with where we left off. After Damian's graduation, the kids (all of them) left for a month. I took that time to repaint my whole house, clean, and update a few things in my home. We also had a litter of pups during that month so I still had plenty to clean up after.

   After July first is when all the real stuff started happening. The kids came home, we created a schedule for the kids to adjust to a school schedule again, and lots of personal stuff (I'll get to that I promise). Over all we were having a fun month before school. But on to the personal stuff I was referring to.

    First, Brandi, Joey, and I patched things up and decided to be a thruple again. So far it's been good. He's been completely honest and made the necessary changes to ensure that this time is nothing like how things were in the past. In fact, there have been changes made on everyone's end. I've agreed to go back to being a stay at home mom, Brandi is going to grow her hair out, and Joey is letting Brandi and I take control over his wardrobe and personal hygiene.

   But there's always a calm before the storm. After we got back together I had multiple ex's show up out of nowhere. Now it's no secret that a lot of my PTSD is caused by past relationship trauma. K showed up in my dm's pleading to just give him a chance to be in my life. I handled that one like a champ. I expressed the trauma he caused and why I didn't want any part of him in my life, and was on my marry way. But then came the real blow... My husband which I haven't seen or spoken to in 8 years showed up in my messages.

    Now for anyone that doesn't know, I was young and pregnant when I married him. More specifically I was just 6 months past being 18 and due to have my first child in a matter of just a couple of months. I wanted to do right by my daughter despite his flaws. He is 15 years older than me and a royal asshole. I left him multiple times because of violence and abuse. But after 3 years I finally stayed away. 

    You can imagine all of the immediate flashbacks just seeing his name on my screen. But once again trying to do what's best for my daughters, I replied. Since the first messages were exchanged there have been multiple breakdowns and some PTSD flare ups. (It's been a rough week.) But two good things have come from his reappearance. One, I will finally be getting my divorce. Two my therapist was finally able to see my PTSD in full swing, so we will be working with EMDR in our therapy sessions now.

    And as always there's a rainbow after every storm. Since the news that my divorce will be happening (finally), Brandi and I are finally able to discuss getting married! We have decided that we don't like either of our last names... So after the divorce is finalized, I will be having a legal name change.... Get this... Wait for it.... My name will be changed to Brittany Price. It was actually suggested by Joey. Once Brandi and I get married she will be taking the last name Price as well. 

    Once we are married, the plan is for me to legally adopt Jordyn. Then we will hyphenate her name making her Jordyn Daume-Price. So we will be one big Price family. I'm so excited to get this journey over with and get to the future. 

   Anyway, I just wanted to pop in and give everyone an update. Now it's back to life. Bright blessings lovelies. I hope you are all doing amazing!


  1. Wow that is a lot. But glad things are getting better

  2. You have had a bunch of stuff going on! I am glad that you & partners have worked through the issues. Now the healing can begin. Wonderful news you are finally getting the divorce you have wanted. Do you get to see your daughter now? I hope so. I have read about EDMR therapy. Please post your findings here. If it really works like I have read, sign me up. I need it. I hope at some point we see pictures of Jordyn. She must be growing like crazy. How old is she now? So glad to hear things are finally coming together for your family.

    1. Yeah it's crazy the amount of stuff I've been going through. I will have to make a post about the kids soon so everyone can see how big they have gotten. As for the EMDR therapy, I had my first session the other day. I will say that it is emotional... but it's so very worth it. You dont realize how much of the good you bury with the bad. I was able to remember some amazing memories about my grandfather that I havent remembered in years. I'll make a post about it later today.

    2. I never thought there would be good buried in with the crap. I read that type of therapy is intense. You're brave to take it on.

    3. it is pretty intense. But in order to be the best mom possible, I feel it is necessary.

  3. So glad to see an update from you! Wow, a lot going on. Hearing from exes is like a punch in the gut sometimes. I hope everything works out for you and your family.

    1. You've got that right. So far everything is going great.


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