It keeps getting better

    Ok... I'm so excited that I don't even know where to start. 

   I guess I could start with my weight loss. I'm now up to a total of 15 pounds lost and boy am I noticing it. I forgot that along with losing weight you also find your bones. LOL. Any little bump to my ribs hurts. Brandi squeezing me hurts my ribs. And I discovered again that bumping into a doorframe with your hip hurts. But I am glad to see the weight gone. 

Now I guess I should explain the whole back to work thing and how it has inspired me. Well you see I have discovered just how much people are willing to pay for a clean home. My pay doesn't hold a candle to how much they actually pay. And well cleaning is one thing I am great at. I love cleaning. Hell I love organizing. But I enjoy it even more when I'm being paid to do it. So Brandi and I decided to see what it would take to open our own cleaning services. Turns out it doesn't take a whole lot. So I have taken the first steps to opening my own cleaning service. Due to money not allowing me to jump straight into an LLC, I'm going to start with a simple DBA and work my way to the top from there. 

   Guys my dreams are coming true. I'm working towards my own business and I'm getting my health back under control. I don't know what else could go right. I mean it would be amazing for $50,000 to find it's way into my bank account but that is just wishful thinking. However everything I can do to make my life... well...MY LIFE is working out amazingly. 

I guess that's what I have to be thankful for this year. I hope you are all well and healthy. Bright blessings lovelies. I hope you all have an amazing Thanksgiving.


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