Off day

    I know I always preach to everyone else about self care, but turns out I am worlds worst at taking my own advice. When do I ever take time for myself? I don't even take time out of a week to post here anymore.  Hell, it's been so long since I've used my laptop that I had to update it. That is bad.

   I guess I've been focusing on everyone and everything else to keep my mind busy and avoid the inevitable break down. Today I finally sat down and did something for myself and it hit me. All the tears and sorrow... right there in the closet floor. There I sat tears pouring. Brandi finally got me up, but god the emotional torture sucks. Now I wish I could just bottle it all back up.

   Okay, maybe I should give somewhat of a back story to what I've said already. I was cleaning out my closet so I can put up my fall and winter wardrobe. During the cleaning out I found some tikki keychains my mother had sent me from Hawaii... Back when things seemed promising. As I held them in my hand all I could think is "Why couldn't things stay that good?".  Then the tears came, the empty feeling in side, followed by collapsing to the floor.

   Why is she incapable of being the mother I need her to be? I just want a mother that wants to be in my children's lives.. no matter how good or bad things are going. Someone who is there and loves me no matter if I have anything to offer in return. I want that unconditional love that a mother and daughter are supposed to have. Is that really too much to ask for?

   Instead I landed the hand of all hands. It truly feels like she lives just to hurt me. Did I do something to cause her to hate me so much? 

   Today is just an off day for me.. 


  1. It really stinks when your family is messed up. No one understands unless they have the same background. I always wanted love and support from mine but it wasn't ever going to be. It still hurts. I am sorry you are hurting. You didn't do anything to make her hate you.She hates herself. She is the one with the problem not you. Stop blaming yourself.

  2. I still have moments of tears about my father, who has been gone for over 20 years. Just when I think I am over it, it hits me that it didn't have to be the way it was, and I wonder "what if", and I start crying. It's hard to not take responsibility for it, but relationships take two. You can't make it work with your mother on your own. She needs to try too, or nothing will change. If she doesn't, then it is 100% on her, and NOT ONE BIT your fault.

  3. Ive been struggling with the same shit with my own mom. It's not your fault how she acts. She is unhappy and feels like she does and takes it out on you just like my mom does. You are worthy of love and being loved. Always here for you to talk to sweetie.


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