One Proud Mama

Well today is the day. Today marks the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year. It started off as a really early morning. 5:45 this morning to be exact. But we decided to get everyone up and ready a little early so we could get pictures, have breakfast, and go over our expectations for the school year. I have a feeling it is going to be a great year for them and all of their teachers seem amazing.
Funny story of the day. I now have been labeled as "that mom". The mom who wakes up early to bake muffins for school breakfast, does some cute hairstyle on my girls, adjust their clothing to ensure they are looking their best, exc. I guess I am becoming "that mom" because as soon as I got the kids off to school I immediately started cleaning. Oh well. I would rather be "that mom" than a crappy one. I can't be held at fault for wanting the best for all of my kids. I just hope they have an amazing first day.


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