Finally ready to talk...

I know I went MIA for a while. But in my defense, I had a lot going on. That crappy job I had.. well I quit. Turns out, I'm not meant to work in mediocre nursing homes with subpar care. I'm not one that can stand by and watch residents be mistreated or neglected. And because I decided to go above my supervisor's head and talk to the owner about the issues I was getting a lot of retaliation. It was just too much. I was going to make a post about all of that, but ended up in a frenzy trying to prepare for my mother to come visit. It was the first time I've seen her in 8 years, so I wanted everything to be perfect. Sadly the visit was all but perfect. During her 2 week stay she spent 3 days whining and crying about her dog that couldn't come (due to travel restrictions) and bitching about her boyfriend of 5 years not even being able to follow simple directions and care for her dog and car. I wish the visit would have just continued that way. But then she broke up with the guy and went on to dating. Instead of being here with the family she had missed out on, she spent day and night going out on "dates" with multiple guys. That wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't completely made a disaster of my normal routine by having me up all hours of the night putting in her hair extensions, styling her hair, and helping her feel like she was 30 again. But the worst was yet to come. I could tolerate the hectic chaos that had disrupted my home... but I couldn't tolerate the disrespect that followed. In case you haven't noticed, I never mention my mother on post. That is because we haven't been close since I was 14. She had many flaws as a mother. I gave up on that abusive relationship when I was 22 and didn't look back until just over a year ago. She swore she had changed. She got clean and I believed her. So I gave her one last chance at a life with me and my family. I guess that was my mistake. She hadn't changed at all. Three days before she was expected to catch her flight home she began disresecting my relationship. She tried everything to get me to leave my wife and the children that were "not my biological responsibility". Then she began openly disrespecting my wife (which I tried to respectfully correct). And finally on the day she was catching her flight home she crossed an unforgivable line. Just 5 hours before her departure, we were in a hotel so we wouldn't have a long drive to get her to the airport, she started throwing a full blown fit because she had forgotten to pack her hair glue for me to put in new extentions. She wanted to look as nice as possible for the new guy she was meeting when she arrived back home. She was so obsessed that she wanted me to put super glue in her hair. When I told her I wouldn't, she exploded. She began yelling and screaming at Brandi and I. And when Brandi asked what she had done to deserve that treatment, my mother attacked her. If I hadn't stepped between them.. my mother would have punched her in her face. So Brandi and I grabbed our belongings, I place $50 on the bed and told my mom I loved her but she was going to have to call an Uber. She ripped the money up in front of my face. So I decided to get Brandi to safety before dealing with the situation any further. As we opened the door to walk out, My mother pushed her out of the door (second story exterior entrance) and blocked the door. It took me 10 minutes of begging and pleading with her to stop before she finally agreed to let me out to check on Brandi. And she agreed only if I would take her to the airport. So I went downstairs and got Brandi to agree only to make it back to my mother for her to have started in on her fit again. I finally had to give up. I left another $50 and left. All while she scramed at me and told me what a shitty person I was and made it very clear that I am dead to her. Four days later and Im still in my feelings about it all. I hate that it happened and I hate the fact that once again I am without my mom even more. But all I can say is that I tried. Luckily I have the most amazing (self-built) family that anyone could ask for. Brandi has spent days consoling me and assuring me that I will be okay and Joey is supporting me in my shop therapy as well as calling a few times a day to check in on me. It only goes to show that blood is not thicker than water. Family are those that stick around.. even in the hard has absolutely nothing to do with genetics. My family is here.. helping me deal with all the pain while the biological family has yet to even ask if I am ok. Its a shame... but true.


  1. Im sorry things didnt go well with your mom. I hope you get to feeling better.

  2. That must have been so disappointing and frightening. I am so sorry. I have family members I refuse to speak to, not out of anger, but out of protecting myself and knowing that they will never change. You are right: you tried. She chose to make it the way it is. That doesn't mean it hurts any less, but you have NO responsibility for it.

    1. Thank you so much for the reassurance that it was out of my control. I'm still struggling with dealing with the emotional roller coaster that the situation left behind. It really sucks that people have family that are just that toxic.


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