As much as I hate addmitting when something is wrong, I have to admit that I am still not okay. I've been working with my therapist and psychologist in desparate attempt to get back to some sort of normalcy. Long story short, the situation with my mother has caused a major flare up in my PTSD, anxiety, and depression. I had spent months working with my therapist to reach a point where I hadn't needed medication to function somewhat normally. But this has caused a landslide. I am back on medication and I don't feel that they are working the way they should. My therapist has had me working on a thing called ACOA (Adult Child Of an Alcoholic) again. Basically she wants me to realize that I am in no way responsible for my mothers actions and that my mothers (either current or past) addictions are to blame for her piss poor decision making skills. While I wish we were working on this to rekindle my mother and I's relationship and fix those flaws... its not. My therapi...