Up and Running

It seems like everything in my life decided to stop and take a pause for a while. But good news.. I finally got a day off so I am able to stop and fix a few things to get everything up and running smoothly again. I was able to take a minute and speak with the attorney over the wreck. Looks like we are finally reaching a point to get the truck fixed. We already started the "healing" process with the chiropractor. But somehow it seems to hurt worse than it's helping. Who knew that having your body adjusted was so painful. And physical therapy is even worse. Talk about sore muscles and aching. ugh. I finally got our security camaras updated and installed. So now I can keep a better eye on my household while I am away. The video quality and sound quality are so much better. I can actually hear what is being said vs. hearing a ton of static. I also managed to have time to get my computer working the way it should again. (It was down for a couple of weeks, henseforth the lack of an updated post.) It only took about 2 hours on the phone with tech support. But at least now everything is updated and luckily I had a protection plan. As for everything else.. well it's going good I guess. Summer vacation is in full swing. So of course my children are driving me insane. Thanks to Joey we have the money to get everyone's season passes to the local water park (Castaway Cove). I'm sure the kids will enjoy that but first they have to get their behavior in line. I don't reward bad behavior. So as soon as they show me that they are going to act right, I will be heading to get everyones season passes. Work is actually getting better. I've learned that I heve to take alot of what goes on there with a grain of salt. Which mostly means ignoring the sexual comments, taking them as a compliment, and moving on. But there are some perks to my job too. I have become pretty close with most of my residents. They have come to find me more family than just the help. Most days they try to tidy up before I come in so they have more time to just chat with me. I find that kind of sweet. One of my residents have actually asked me if I could adopt her. She says she wishes her daughter was more like me. And then of course I have my few stubborn residents that refuse to accept that I am on a diet so they try to force feed me candy and sweets as payment for cleaning their rooms. Over all I am learning to love my job and my boss seems to have a likeing for me too. He complimented me just the other day. He said "it's been a long time since I've had an employee that cares as much about my residents as you do". He thanked me and even by passed my 90 day policy and allowed me to get holiday pay for Memorial Day. Brandi and I are even looking at a potential raise in 2 months. So I guess for the most part all is good. I'm excited to see where life takes us. But in order to see where it's taking us I guess I should log off the computer screen for a while. So bright blessings lovelies. I hope you are all doing well. I can't wait to hear from all of you and see how your summer is going so far.


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