What a F***ING day!!!!

I am so over today. It's been one thing after another. I had to deal with the rain all morning. That included while at work because I had to take people outside to smoke. Then all day I had to deal with vulgar sexual comments towards me. I finally get off work and have to rush to the uniform shop to turn in my voucher for my monogrammed uniforms. After getting all of that taken care of, I head over to the chiropractor and had to do what seemed like a million x-rays. That was just the beginning of the headache. To follow that I had to do a physical evaluation. Poking and prodding, twisting and turning, pushing and pulling. Only to end up in more pain than I already was after an 8 hour shift at work. Okay, thats over with. Then I get home to find out that Brandi somehow managed to lose my debit card. So fine.. I call the bank to cancel the card. No the dumb ass on the other end of the phone freezes my bank account until I can get to the bank to un freeze it and pick up my new card. Great! Freaking great! As if things were not bad enough, then Brandi gets an attitude. What does she do? Cancels all plans for Olivia's birthday today. The one thing I was looking forward to after such a crappy day. So screw it. I'll leaveand blow off some steam. maybe pick up some coffee... nope. The were closed. So I come home. I thought I was going to take a hot bath and unwind from the day. Ha.. that was a laugh. Instead I came home to Olivia and Brandi running out the front door. Olivia pouring blood from her foot. WTF! ER visit for Brandi. Olivia managed to get the heel of her foot stuck in the spring of the trampoline running from Blake. Is that the end of the horror story today? Not even close. On the way to the hospital Brandi gets a ticket for running a stop sign. and I've spent the last two hours trying to figure out if Olivia is ok while dealing with a screaming baby and Olivia's psychopathic brother who's only response to Olivia being hurt is "ok". Now not only am I super stressed, I have a freaking migraine, and I still have no clue as to if Olivia is okay or not. So great freaking day. (I hope everyone heard the sarcasm loud and clear.)


  1. Where are you working? How is Olivia doing? I would have gotten a headache too!

    1. I took a job at a local nursing home because they had hours that better suit my needs (plus the pay is only 50 cents less than management). Olivia ended up getting 5 stitches, but is overall okay.


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