What is a spouse supposed to be?

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I was always taught that a spouse was supposed to be your biggest supporter. That one person you can turn to when you've had a bad day. The person to lift your spirits when you are at your low points. Your other half.

   Now why in the hell is it so hard for people to be that for someone else? Everyone is so caught up in me me me that they forget to think about others. They forget that others have feelings too. And in all actuality it seems like they don't care. They don't care when they see someone else hurting. They don't care when someone else is stressed to the max. They don't care about anyone but themselves.

    I hate this world we live in today. I hate it with a passion. What the hell ever happened to compassion for others? What happened to true love, unconditional love, or just common courtesy? I mean I understand self love just as much as the next person... but that doesn't mean that we can just forget about loving someone else.

   I see these problems every day between spouses. In fact it is one of the top rated reasons for divorce. People simply grow apart because they forget how to love someone other than themselves. And it's not just between spouses. I watch it happen every day with everyone around me. When did this world become so cruel? Don't get me wrong... there are still a few kind souls left.. But for the most part... this world sucks!  


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