On a Roll

     So as you all know, I am back to my dieting. Well congrats to me..  I lost another 2 pounds this week! Yay me! But there have been other changes made that are making me feel amazing. Now that Baby Jordyn has made her way into the world... It's time to resume therapy and physical therapy. And just in the nick of time too. My grandmother has decide that after nearly 13 years... she is coming to visit me. 

    I'm going to need my therapist for that one. My grandmother has never really been the supportive type. In fact she is the definition of pushy. Most of what comes out of her mouth is demanding and criticism. I already know she is going to have plenty to say about my house and living situation because that's just who she is. I feel like I could complete every task she has ever given me and I still wouldn't be who she wants me to be. I know she has my best interest at heart but damn.. give a girl a break. It's not enough that I'm raising 6 kids and trying to get into school for nail tech.. she wants more. 

   Which brings me to the point of her visit. (It's never just for the fun of it.) She is buying a house here. Not for her to live in.. but for me to manage. Yay.. not! and she has decided she needs to talk to the owner of the nail salon I am trying to get an apprenticeship through. I have 1 week to mentally prepare myself for the hell raising she is coming to do. She calls it a fast track to a better life. I call it putting me through hell. 

   But on the bright side of everything I have found a reason to smile. By that I am being quite literal. We all know I have struggled with bad teeth for years. They really went down hill after I gave birth to Damian. But I can smile with confidence again.

    Yup. I have a beautiful smile again. This set is only temporary until we have the money to rip all of the old ones out and replace them. But it's nice to smile again. I forgot what it was like to smile with an open mouth. It's definitely a boost of confidence. 

   But anyway.. my time is being cut short today. I have therapy in less than an hour. Time to go mentally prepare for my grandmothers arrival. Oh and just the news I needed... my uncle will be accompanying her. Fucking perfect.


  1. Just reading that stressed me out! My grandmother was very critical of me, and she could be very hurtful. All I can say is, if you don't want her to talk to the nail salon, don't allow it. And if you don't want to manage the house for her, tell her that. Family has a way of leaping over boundaries. I am sure you already know that. Just reminding you that you have every right to say no.


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