Life is good!!!

     Life has been really good lately. The kids are finding a rhythm in the new house schedule and my household is back to it's thriving self... despite the many changes that have been made. We have been preparing for Summer. We started a garden, put up a trampoline, got all of the kids new bikes, and even bought a water slide and sprinkler. This is going to be a good summer for the kids. 

   As for Brandi and I??? Well we are happy to say that little Miss Jordyn is now on a pretty regular sleep schedule. (Pretty damn good for only being a month old.) She now only wakes up once a night for feeding and then she's right back to sleep until around 8 AM. This means better sleep for Brandi and I... which I greatly appreciate. Especially because I go back to work part time next week and Brandi will be returning to work in just a couple of weeks.

    Other than that, well life has still been pretty great. Brandi bought a damn good truck about a week ago. So far we love it. We took it to be checked out by our mechanic and he agrees... it was a steal. Now if only we could get this damn lincoln navigator sold it would really great. 

    As far as I go, well life has been an adjustment. I'm finally doing something about my body. The chiropractor is doing a lot to help, but I need to take steps to help too. So I have been eating healthier and getting more exercise. So far I am 7 pounds down. I'm now on meds for my nightmares, so I am getting better sleep. And I am in therapy every two weeks so that is helping me with my ptsd, depression, and dealing with the constant changes in my life. So I guess it's safe to say that I'm doing much better.  Well enough that I feel confident going back to work. 

   So wish us luck in the coming months. Things are definitely changing for the better.   


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