I did a thing!!!

So today I bought a pallet for my business. And wow to my amazement there were some things I have been wanting for home.. so I took them. I got myself a new laptop ( which I am using now), and a gaming chair (but it's now my office chair. And I didn't pay an arm and a leg for it either. $350 for the whole pallet. That included 10 body pillowes, a case of baby wipes, bed wetting pads, 6 cases of candles, a bedding set, 2 large containers of gain laundry detergent, 3 brooms and dust pans, and a shop broom. Not bad, not bad at all. In fact it's amazing. I took what I wanted for the house and still have plenty to sell to make my money back.. plus some. Yay me! I love working in resale.


  1. What is your business? If the laptop was part of the pallet, that is a great price!

    1. About 4 months ago I took over a friend of mines booth at our local flea market. I buy pallets of new overstock and resale at half of store price. You would be surprised at the deals you get when you buy pallets instead of going to a store. The msrp of what I bought was $1500. I paid $317.

  2. Oh, how interesting! I have always wondered what kind of stuff was REALLY in those kinds of pallets.


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