Where have I been?

    Well that's not an easy question to answer. I've been all over the place. Every time I thought about sitting down to write a post, I ended up running an errand or deep cleaning my house. But here I am... finally. 

   I wish I could say this has been a pleasant break and that's why I've skipped out on posting. But that wouldn't be entirely true. It's been mostly jam packed with doctors appointments and errand running. I've seen our family physician so much just this week that I'm starting to wonder if we are dating. (lmao... that was a joke.) But it has some truth to it. I've had to take 3 of the kids to see him this month alone totaling 7 visits. That's  a lot of doctors appointments. Most of that is Destiny's fault. We did an allergy test and the poor girl is allergic to nearly everything outdoors.(That's one appointment.) The worst being dogs. So we started allergy shots this week. (That was 3 appointments this week.) But I learned how to administer the shots so now we get to give her the shots at home 3 times a week. 

   Delaney finally made it home a couple of weeks ago. So that was a crazy mess. I had to take her to our family physician to get her approved to return to school and then again to get her medications prescribed. (another 2 appointments.) Thankfully she is at 100% health and doing well behavior wise. I haven't had one problem from her since her return home.

   Olivia is also on medication for her ADHD. (That was another headache of it's own.) We have been to the doctors twice now to adjust her meds, but fingers crossed it helps us get her in line.  We've seen small improvements since starting her on meds, but we are hoping that the increase she got yesterday will at very least help her make it through the school day without any behavioral issues. It would be nice to get some positive results at school.

   As for Blake... well that's a story in it's own. We have been meeting with his psych twice a month for the last 6 months to get his meds adjusted to suit his disorders. We also found out that all of his behavior can not be blamed on his adhd and autism. He is bipolar as well. So we now have him on medication to treat all of that. It's no walk in the park for sure. But we are getting there. We have his day time meds at near perfection, but we are still working on his evening meds. In the evening we are still dealing with whining, fit throwing, and impulsive behaviors. So it is a must to finish getting his meds adjusted.

    I can tell you one thing... this momma is beyond ready to have fewer doctors appointments. Between all the appointments for the kids, Brandi's appointments for little miss Jordyn (baby due on February 16th), and running this household... I've had to order a little help remembering everything. Thank god for Alexa.

    Yeah, yeah... I'm that mom. I went to order new cameras for the house and found that the ones I was set to order were compatible with Alexa. So I did some digging. "What exactly can Alexa help me with?" Turns out she is very helpful. She helps me stay on track for my morning routines, she can announce reminders for the kids and myself, She can help me set up doctors appointments and create a schedule around those appointments, plus many other features like creating a grocery list that goes directly to my phone (no more forgetting my grocery list at home). I'm really liking having Alexa. Just the few things I have listed are a major help to me throughout the day. But there are several other features she has too. Now if I could only find a self cleaning house (LOL).

    Anyway enough chatting. It's another busy day. Hopefully some time this week I will be able to check in again, but no promises. Wish me luck.


  1. I hate going to the doctor, so that sounds like a nightmare, being there that much! I was wondering where you have been. The Alexa things creep me out, but I can see how they could be helpful. Hope you have a calm and quiet day!


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