What's good?

   There is actually a lot good going on right now. To begin with the kids are back to school and loving it. Every day I hear how excited they are to go to school, and then when they return home I hear about how fun it was and what they got to do. It's helped me a lot too. My house is back to how it usually is... spotless. I've actually had plenty of time to catch up on my cleaning and some sleep as well. Not so much on the sleep as I would like though. It seems like every time I lay down to catch a power nap people decide it is a great time to call and message me. But at least it is peaceful in the house so I am able to at least rest.
   I've also been able to get my cooking bug back. I know Brandi and Joey have both missed me having the time and energy to cook up a full meal. Tonight we had a very yummy honey and garlic pork roast. Both filling and delicious. The roast was falling apart. Tender and juicy. They loved it. Tomorrow I plan to do fried pork chops, fresh green beans, fresh baby carrots, and mashed potatoes. Brandi is already excited. She had told the kids two days before school started back that they needed to hurry up and get back to school so I would have the patience and time to cook good meals again. I guess she got her wish. (lol)
    On another good note, all of the school shopping is out of the way... so I was able to do yet another big spurge. As of today Joey is the proud owner of a 1tb X-box one with his own special elite controller. He has been wanting his system back since he had to sell his to help out his ex. Now he has it and and upgrade to boot. He is currently installing all of his games.. asides from one that he will be able to get that as of this Friday.
    So over all it has been a good week. I've gotten a lot taken care off. It still has a long way to go... but at least it's getting better.


  1. I am starving right now, so reading your post was a bad idea! Ha ha. I like making roasts too. Comfort food, and so good. Now I need to go round up some dinner!


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